
Scanned photo of ACEG`s Qualification Certificate for Construction Enterprises
ACEG Overseas   |  Updated: 2020-09-10  |  Views: 14789

Categories & Grades of Qualification:

1st Grade of General Construction Contracting for Municipal Public Works1st Grade of General Construction Contracting for Electro-mechanical Works1st Grade of Professional Contracting for Ground and Foundation Works1st Grade of Professional Contracting for Electronic and Intelligent Works1st Grade of Professional Contracting for Steel Structure Works1st Grade of Professional Contracting for Building Decoration & Finishing Works1st Grade of Professional Contracting for Curtain Wall Works1st Grade of Professional Contracting for Ancient Building Works1st Grade of Professional Contracting for Environment Protection Works2nd Grade of General Construction Contracting for Ports & Waterway Works2nd Grade of General Construction Contracting for Water Conservancy and Hydro-power Works2nd Grade of General Construction Contracting for Electric Power Works2nd Grade of General Construction Contracting for Mine Works2nd Grade of General Construction Contracting for Metallurgy Works2nd Grade of General Construction Contracting for Petrochemical Works2nd Grade of General Construction Contracting for Communication Works2nd Grade of Professional Contracting for Firefighting Facilities Works  Issued by: Special Seal for Administrative Approval of Department of Housing and Urban & Rural Development of Anhui Province

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